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The 2023 All Corvette Cruise-InTM is history! 

The weather didn't cooperate for the Old Dominion Corvette Club's 34th Annual All Corvette Cruise-In. Extremely high temps held down the turnout. With about 120 Corvette owners displaying their cars, this was the smallest turnout since the ill-fated 2020 COVID Cruise-In. All generations of Corvettes did show up, from beautifully restored C1s to brand new state-of-the art mid-engined C8s in every color of the rainbow. Great cars, great people, great food, and a great surprise: Corvette racing team driver Tommy Milner showed up, chatted with attendees, posed for photos, and talked about racing Corvettes. Thank you Mr. Milner: it was great to have you with us. A great time was had by those who came, in spite of the temperature. Check out the photo albums at the link to the left, and don't miss the separate album showing all the personalized license plates clever Corvette owners display to show their pride. See if your car or license plate is pictured, or see what you missed if you didn't come.

Thank you to all who attended and helped support our charities. Click these links to see acknowledgements from LAWS and CASA. Thanks to the generosity of Corvette owners and our sponsors, we raised nearly $4,000 for our charities! Thank you everyone who registered, took part in the silent auction, and made donations.

Please click on the Cruise-In Sponsors link to the left and support our sponsors, without whom this event could not take place. 

The 2024 All Corvette Cruise-InTM is moving! 

Not the location, but the date. ODCC has decided to get away from the August heat wave, so this years Cruise-In will be held on Sunday, October 6th. This should be a very refreshing change. We look forward to seeing everyone once again.