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July 8 Cruise to Gettysburg
Al Stitt

The Mid-Atlantic Muscle Car group has invited ODCC's members to join them on their next cruise of 2023. We will meet at 9:00 AM on July 8 in the parking lot next to Wolf Furniture in the Premium Outlets in Hagerstown. For those who wish to follow me to Hagerstown, we can plan to meet at the Sheetz on Rt 7, just east of Winchester, and then proceed up I-81 to Hagerstown.

Once everyone has arrived at the Outlets, detailed directions will be provided before we leave the parking lot. The route will entail driving on some scenic backroads with stops for restroom breaks and picture taking.

We will stop for lunch at the Appalachian Brewing Company in Gettysburg.

Please let me know if you are interested in joining us no later than Wednesday, July 5.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

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